Archive for Category: Dentistry

Laser Dentistry

Laser is a new technology that can be used in many dental procedures, for example gingivectomy in gummy smile, depigmentation of gums, aphtous ulcer treatment and more. The doctors at The Dental Lounge are certified by the american board of laser in dentistry and they can do their magic...

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Cleaning Facilities

Proper brushing of teeth is mandatory at home but even if done properly of it doesn’t prevent the calculus from accumulating on your teeth. This calculus can only be removed by doing scaling and polishing at the dental clinic. Regular scaling sessions need to be done at 6 months...

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Whitening Care

Once dental professionals asked folks what they’d most prefer to improve concerning their smile, the foremost common response was whiter teeth. Understanding teeth change of color starts with understanding tooth staining. There square measure 2 basic varieties of stains that have an effect on your teeth, and your smile!...

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Dental care

Dental care Tooth decay and gum malady square measure caused by plaque, a sticky combination of bacterium and food. Plaque begins to create abreast of teeth among many minutes once feeding. If teeth aren’t clean well day by day, plaque can cause caries or gum malady. If you are...

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